A blog about earning your mom stripes, one blow out diaper at a time.

Month: July 2017

Adios, Bouncy Chair

As I mentioned in a previous post, the Benji boy is a challenge when it comes to sleep. I mean, I guess he hasn’t really been given a fair shake at it. Basically from the moment he was born, Peter and I held him while he slept. It was part survival for us (held babies don’t cry as much and don’t wake up their big brother) and part survival for him (held babies don’t get stomped and “loved” on as much by their big brother). Also, this is very, very likely my last baby and I wanted to make sure I got all the snuggles I could. Because my 3-year-old often stares at me down and tells me, “Don’t look at me, mommy!” Which is kind of the total opposite of baby snuggles.

To make matters worse, he had acid reflux (still does). Which basically means he wouldn’t sleep flat on his back because a river of bile came flooding up his esophagus. TMI? Perhaps. But it’s true. So, after about six weeks of taking turns holding the baby at night, we noticed that he would take naps in this bouncy chair we had. So, one brave evening, we decided to try having him sleep in it at night. And it worked.

It REALLY worked.

It worked until it didn’t. Benji, ever the bright eyed enthusiast, decided he would start rolling the day he turned 3 months old. Which meant no more swaddling — and no more bouncy chair. That night, after the super exhausting bounce house birthday party for Elliott, we tried putting him in his crib, un-swaddled. Disaster doesn’t even cover how it went. After the first half hour, he was awake every 10 minutes unless someone was holding him. It was like we were all the way back at square one. At about 11:30 p.m., Peter and I threw in the towel. He was back in the swaddle, and back in the bouncy chair.

We all slept (sort of). Me, I mostly jumped at every tiny sound, thinking the baby had tossed himself out of the chair and onto the hardwood floors, causing irreparable damage. But, he didn’t. And I started to think he’d be in that chair, wrapped like a mummy, until he was 18. Which is dumb, of course, but try explaining that to a sleep deprived mom who’s topped off with baby hormones.

Anyway, just when I thought he’d be in the chair for life, he up and changed his mind. He decided the swaddle was a form of torture and that sleeping at a 45 degree angle was for old men in La-Z-Boys. Pretty much overnight. So, about two weeks after the first crib-at-night fiasco, we tried it again. And it worked.

Of course babies are nuts, and just as I was celebrating our tiny victory, the 4 month sleep regression hit, and he was up every 1.5 hours/2 hours. But whatever. I can at least say that the bouncy chair has become simply a place to chill, like it should be.

Oddly enough, Elliott hated this chair.

The two weeks where life tried to take me out

Now that I’ve 70% recovered, I feel I can finally talk about how life tried to end me two weekends ago. I thought for the longest time that my plane flight from hell was one of the worst experiences I had been through with a kid. But it was just a little warm up for the monumental cluster that was the last two weeks of June.

It all started when I went back to work right before our largest event of the year. Honestly that was rough, but after the mental onslaught of the first day, I started to get my bearings and felt like I could take on whatever the job threw at me. What I didn’t take into account is what the REST of my life was planning to throw at me. First up; the toddler birthday party.

I kind of made the mistake of doing a really good job with his 2nd birthday party, so I felt the need to one up myself just because that’s the competitive type of person I am. So for birthday #3, Elliott got the dino-mite treatment. A dinosaur bounce house, fossil dig and BBQ. Truly, just one of those three things would have made me exhausted for weeks, but I did all three. The only way I pulled it off was because Teeny was in town. All in all, things went well. But I have to say, a bouncy house is like a toddler Thunderdome. Thankfully, the only one who came out bloody was my own child.

The look on his face when he saw the bouncy house was totally worth it.

Since Benji refused to be left out of the celebration, he decided that he would roll over for the first time on the morning of E’s party. And anyone who has had a baby knows what this means. NO ONE SLEEPS. I mean, we just got a rad new skill, so let’s practice it all day and night, right? So, the night after the toddler party when I all I wanted was a few hours of shut eye, I pretty much got none. Woof.

Then no less than a day later, sickness swept through the Hubner household. And it took EVERYONE out. Baby, brother, mommy, daddy — even poor, visiting Teeny. So, remember that part about not sleeping because of baby’s big milestone? Let’s just add some more sleep deprivation on top of it for a big you’re-never-sleeping-again sandwich. Because I was either up with a snotty, coughing baby or couldn’t sleep because every time my head hit the pillow my lungs and throat started to explode.

Benji enjoyed the party. He also was worn out from all that rolling over.

By the time Monday after the party rolled around, I was toast. I think it was that evening that I had a full on mommy meltdown. I literally collapsed in the middle of our hallway, rolled up into a ball, and cried my eyes out. But you know what? Life wasn’t done throwing garbage my way yet.

By Tuesday morning, I had lost my voice completely. Before work’s biggest event of the year. The event where I was going to be responsible for talking to media, on camera and on radio, over and over and over again. And what topic did they choose to focus on? A totally serious one — where I had to have my ish together or else I might do something detrimental to my organization. So what did I do? I gargled salt water, drank gross tea, sprayed myself down with Chloroseptic, and prayed I wouldn’t screw it up. Then I drug my exhausted, voiceless ass to no less than nine interviews. By the end, I could talk about security and cosplay prop policies with my eyes closed. Which honestly, is all I wanted to do.

Then came the con. Last year was my first experience at a comic convention, and needless to say the energy that comes from simply being in the same space as over 100,000 people is beyond exhausting. Add illness, an infant and being mired in the social media comment swamp for three days straight, and by the time Sunday rolled around I could barely move.

Superman took on the dark side at the con.

The good news is, I’m on the other side. The other good news is I never plan to do that again. At least Superman-Maui-Skywalker had a good time.

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