Walking around with an infant in public is kind of like walking around with a celebrity. Everyone wants to stop and look, smile, maybe say a few words. When it comes to my baby, the first words are always the same*.

That hair.

Yes, it’s true, little E has an AMAZING coif. Like I’ve mentioned before, his hair has been notable since before birth. It showed up on an ultrasound for crying out loud. When he came out with a full head of dark brown locks we thought for sure it would fall out. Well, it hasn’t. In fact, it’s simply gotten about 4 times longer and more unwieldy. Everyday it does something new and ridiculous. This post is simply an ode to Elliott’s hair.

The peacock.

The peacock.

The sweep.

The sweep.

The faux hawk.

The faux hawk.

The banker.

The banker.




*The hair comment is followed shortly by, “How old is he? Oh my, he’s a BIG baby.” Also true.