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Top 6 Favorite Books to Read to My 3 Month Old

I’m a nerd for words. So obviously, I like reading to E. He’s just now starting to understand books a little bit. And by understand, I think it’s something like, “That thing [page], it moves! The colors are so bright! My mommy is making noises at me! I can touch that thing that moves WHILE IT’S MOVING!” Despite this relatively simple understanding,  there are still some books that both he and I prefer, probably because they are more exceptional at doing the things stated above. Here are my top 6 favorite kid books right now:

Books are delicious.

Books are delicious.

1. The Monster at the End of This Book by Jon Stone

I bought this book because it was one of my favorites growing up. I’m pretty sure it taught me at a young age what suspense was all about. Plus, it was fun busting through all of Grover’s feeble attempts at keeping me from turning the page. E loses his mind at the illustrations. He sticks his fists out like flying Superman, kicks his little legs, makes his eyes as wide as saucers, and oooooooo’s at the page. That’s how you know a book is good.

2. Trucks Go by Steve Light

This was a gift from a friend who has a little boy. The premise is simple. Trucks go… beep beep screech, etc. The pages are bright, I get to just make noises, and the boy loves it. Everyone wins.

3. The Crown on Your Head by Nancy Tillman

Once again, a gift from a friend. She told me upon opening it at my baby shower that I should be prepared to cry. She was so right. This was the first book I read to Elliott, and I barely made it through. The message is beautiful, the illustrations are stunning, and I will certainly be giving it to any new parent.

4. Dino Tails by Jellycat

This is a touch & feel book to beat all touch & feel books. The whole thing crinkles, the colors are amazingly bright, and each page has two tails sticking off the end made of different fabrics that the boy can grab on to. It’s so ridiculously overwhelming that sometimes I have to take it away from E because he gets frustrated and cries at the fact that he can’t fit the whole marvelous thing in his mouth. Which he tries to do often as evidenced by the picture above.

5. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle

What can I say. Brown Bear is a classic. I like how easy it is to get into a rhythm when reading this book. E enjoys the colorful illustrations, but is really in love with White Dog and Black Sheep. He also loves when you get to the end and ALL the animals are on the page. It’s quite the sensory explosion.

6. How Do Dinosaurs Love Their Dogs? by Jane Yolen and Mark Teague

It’s short, it rhymes, and it combines two of my favorite things that I hope become E’s favorite things — dinosaurs and dogs. Not only that, but it lists the actual species of dinosaur that’s illustrated on each page, which aren’t your typical T. rex and Tricerotops, so bonus for scientific accuracy and species variety. Plus, there are some very good lessons in there about responsibility and hygiene.

Well, there you have it. My personal favs to read to a 3 month old. I’m always looking to beef up the ‘ol children’s book library, so what are your favorites?



  1. Sheila Roper

    Goodnight Moon and Love you Forever (I even give this book to adults)

  2. Joy

    Whatever you do, don’t read the story behind _I’ll Love You Forever_. It is super sad.

    We love anything Sandra Boynton, but especially _What’s Wrong, Little Pookie?_ Our daughter loved it too, so much so that I eventually had it memorized and would recite it to her in the car to calm her down when she was screaming. Another favorite series is the Todd Parr books. Colorful illustrations, simple text, and positive messages.

  3. Anna

    Jane Yolen & Mark Teague also wrote “How do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight”. Very funny and cute. One of my favorites for my little ones was “Moo, Baa, La La La” by Sandra Boynton (although my oldest thought pigs said “la la la” for quite awhile). Another good Boynton book is “Barnyard Dance”. Great to start early, he will love reading!

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