A blog about earning your mom stripes, one blow out diaper at a time.

Full-time no more

I remember the exact day I decided that I didn’t want a full-time job. It was the day E rolled over for the first time. It was an accomplishment that took two weeks of sleepless nights to achieve, and I wasn’t there to see it.

Instead, Mrs. Laura saw it first. When I picked up E from daycare, she excitedly told me all about it. While my face was smiling on the outside, my heart was breaking on the inside. All I could think was, “I should have been there.”

Ok yes, I know my son won’t remember that I wasn’t around for the first time he rolled over. But I will. And yes, I know that I could have just as easily been at the grocery store or the gym when it happened. But I wasn’t. Instead I was working, and I didn’t even have a shot at seeing it.

Sitting up like a boss.

Sitting up like a boss.

On that day, something in my brain shifted. I went from the gal who was DYING to get back to work after only a month of maternity leave, to the mom who drug herself into the office every day feeling guilty and full of regret. I had to change.

And so change I did. I’m over-the-moon excited to announce that I’ve taken a part-time social media coordinator position with the Mount Saint Vincent Home. I get to keep doing the type of work that I love, stay in the nonprofit world, and spend more days a week with my son than at an office. Oh, and did I mention that it’s only a MILE from my house? 3 minute commute. Booyah. It couldn’t be more perfect.

So, cheers 2015. You’re a new year with new adventures, and I can’t wait to get started.*


*I’d like to take a moment to mention how truly awesome my husband is. He’s supported me through this whole thing, figured out all the finances, and has been a strong voice of encouragement when I question myself and my abilities as a parent. I never thought we’d be in a position where we could afford for me to go part-time, but here we are. And I’m sincerely thankful.


  1. jenniecrate

    Congrats on the new job! We’ll miss you but I can bet you’ll have a great time being more of a stay at home mom 🙂

    • Tara

      Thanks, Jennie! Don’t worry, I’ll be around for lunch at the Museum from time to time. Me and the little bro will definitely stop by to say hi!

  2. Kate Tinworth

    What a perfect fit for you! And for E and P! I’m thrilled for you. Can’t wait to hear all about it. Also, my mom volunteered there for some time. It’s a special place.

    • Tara

      I’m really excited about MSV. I’ve heard nothing but positive things, and I think the work is going to be extremely rewarding. Best of everything… I couldn’t be more lucky!

  3. Melissa Taylor

    That’s great Tara! Congrats on being able to spend more time with the little man 🙂

    • Tara

      Thanks, Mel!

  4. Aprille

    Tara, congratulations on finding something that fulfills your family’s needs. You must be thrilled to have such a commute!! And better yet I am sure E will be thrilled too!

    • Tara

      SO excited. Peter is super jealous.

  5. Jen Byyny

    Awesome! Way to go. Proud of you!

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